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luyued 发布于 2011-04-10 15:48   浏览 N 次  
The earthquake and ensuing tsunami that struck Japan on March 11 took untold thousands of lives and caused billions of dollars of damage - and for certain businesses, like oil refiners, the worst may be yet to come.
That's because the vast amounts of seawater that crashed ashore on the eastern edge of the island of Honshu are highly corrosive. The long-term damage that the water causes could be much more severe than what was caused by the quake itself, experts told Reuters.

"If pumps and compressors are running at high temperatures," University of Houston engineering professor Michael Economides explained, "it can create a lot of damage."
Consultant David Hackett noted that other problems could befall Japan's refineries, too. "Salt water will play havoc with instrumentation needed to run a refinery," he indicated.
顾问大卫哈克特指出,其 他问题也可能降临日本炼油厂。 他表示,“盐水将给维系炼油厂运行的仪器带来大的破坏”
For the time being, finding survivors and cleaning up the worst of the damage will be the Japanese people's top priorities. But the country's oil companies may have to gird themselves for expensive corrosion repairs in the months to come.